
Magic Carpet Event

Tuesday, 24 April 2018
at the Art Workers’ Guild

Magic Carpets and the possibilities and limitations of ’Neurodiverse Art’: An exploration of the Creative process and its relation to how our our brains work through the launch of #MagicCarpet tapestry art. 

On the occasion of the launch of a new tapestry artwork, artist Dr Kai Syng Tan and mentor Professor of Psychiatry Philip Asherson (Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King’s College London) and distinguished members of the Art Workers’ Guild held a discussion exploring the creative process and its relation to how our brains work. Guests speakers were Professor Andrew Stahl (UCL Slade School of Fine Art), Jo Verrent (Unlimited) and Ben Graham (Headway East London). Brothers Rachael Matthews, Fleur Oakes and Paul Jakeman demonstrated their work alongside the discussion.

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