
Questionnaire - Health, Economic and Social impact of the Arts


A message from Bro. Roger Kneebone:

Dear Brothers, 
My colleague Aaron Williamon (Professor of Performance Science at the Royal College of Music and co-director with me of the RCM-Imperial Centre for Performance Science) has developed a questionnaire about the impact of Covid-19 on people in the arts and cultural sectors. He and I would love to have the perspective of as many Brothers of the Guild as possible. I’d be most grateful if you have time to help.
From Aaron: 

Today, we launch an online survey to understand how Coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting on the arts and cultural sectors. If you are working or studying in these areas, we invite you to share how the current situation is affecting your work, livelihood, and wellbeing. The survey is available here.

Please forward this invitation to colleagues, students (+alumni), and your arts networks.

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